Restivo, SimoneCannavò, AlbertoTerzoli, MartinaMezzino, DavideSpallone, RobertaLamberti, FabrizioBucciero, AlbertoFanini, BrunoGraf, HolgerPescarin, SofiaRizvic, Selma2023-09-022023-09-022023978-3-03868-217-22312-6124 the continuous advancement of Virtual Reality (VR) and related technologies, it is possible to envisage ever new ways to let users experience cultural heritage. Like in any application domain, however, one of the limitations to the effectiveness of VR is related to the level of immersion and presence that can be delivered. This paper presents the pipeline that has been developed to create narrative experiences in which users are immersed in a visually realistic virtual environment, where a curator of the Museo Egizio in Turin guides them in the interaction with some of the objects of the Museum's collection.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing Virtual reality; Computing methodologies Shape modeling; AnimationHumancentered computing Virtual realityComputing methodologies Shape modelingAnimationInteracting with Ancient Egypt Remains in High-Fidelity Virtual Reality Experiences10.2312/gch.20231175177-1804 pages