Goswami, PrashantEliasson, AndréFranzén, PontusFabrice Jaillet and Florence Zara and Gabriel Zachmann2015-11-042015-11-042015978-3-905674-98-9https://doi.org/10.2312/vriphys.20151331This paper presents CUDA-based parallelization of implicit incompressible SPH (IISPH) on the GPU. Along with the detailed exposition of our implementation, we analyze various components involved for their costs. We show that our CUDA version achieves near linear scaling with the number of particles and is faster than the multi-core parallelized IISPH on the CPU. We also present a basic comparison of IISPH with the standard SPH on GPU.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismAnimationI.3.1 [Computer Graphics]Hardware ArchitectureParallel ProcessingImplicit Incompressible SPH on the GPU10.2312/vriphys.2015133123-29