Röthlisberger, H.Rakotomalala, J.C. E. Vandoni2015-09-292015-09-2919801017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/eg.19801025F.I.R.S.T. (Fast Interactive Raster scan workSTation) is designed as a low cost high performance display for interactive applications. Low cost is achieved by using dynamic memories, and high performance implies a high resolution (at least 500x 700) together with fast update rate (an image in a few seconds). Speed is achieved using a distributed architecture; several function generators, such as a character generator and a vector generator, perform the scan conversion. They are connected to the frame buffer by a fast standard pixel bus transmitting one pixel (picture element) in 500 ns. Greyscale or color monitors will require the addition of a few memory planes.F.I.R.S.T., A HIGH RESOLUTION RASTER SCAN DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR INTERACTIVE LAYOUT OF TEXT AND FIGURES10.2312/eg.19801025