Keshavabhotla, SwarnaWilliford, BlakeKumar, ShaliniHilton, EthanTaele, PaulLi, WayneLinsey, JulieHammond, TracyHolger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram2017-10-182017-10-182017978-1-4503-5080-81812-3503 sketching is a powerful tool for expressing ideas from pen and paper e ectively and becoming a more well-rounded communicator. Sketching instructors conventionally employ pen and paper in their classrooms to convey these fundamentals to students. However this traditional approach limits the bandwidth and capability of instructors to give timely and individualized feedback. An intelligent tutoring system can leverage the knowledge of domain expert design sketching instructors so that students can practice and receive real-time feedback outside of classroom hours. Our system leverages consulted instructor insights and observed pedagogical practices of an active university design sketching curriculum, and applies them in a mastery-based progression of exercises that utilize sketch recognition to give real-time feedback. An evaluation of our system's usability in a class of engineering students studying design sketching showed that it performed very well, was seen by the students as a motivating and intuitive practice tool, and allowed the students to improve the accuracy and speed of their sketches.Humancentered computingInteractive systems and toolsApplied computingComputerassisted instructionSketchbased interfacesketch recognitionintelligent tutoring systemdesign educationart educationConquering the Cube: Learning to Sketch Primitives in Perspective with an Intelligent Tutoring System10.1145/3092907.3092911