Kalkofen, DenisMori, ShoheiTatzgern, MarkusO'Sullivan, Carol and Schmalstieg, Dieter2021-04-252021-04-252021978-3-03868-135-91017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egt.20211036https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egt20211036This tutorial will present the challenges and unique aspects of mixed reality visualization applications such as organization of data for visualization, real-world data sources for visualization, real time photo-realistic rendering techniques, diminished reality rendering techniques and cognitive and perceptual issues. We are also interested in ways that the existing body of research in the graphics and visualization community can be applied in this research area. We expect the tutorial to be a working event with both presentation of state-of- the-art followed by lively discussion about the key issues and challenges in this research area. Our tutorial is open both for academia and industry, and expected to be a community hub for both areas that are interested in an introduction to the unique challenges of mixed reality visualization. We welcome a diverse audience consisting of students, researchers and developers that have a basic understanding of computer graphics and computer vision.Visualization and Graphics in Mixed Reality10.2312/egt.202110369-9