Garsoffky, BärbelMeilinger, TobiasHoreis, ChantalSchwan, StephanW. Bares and M. Christie and R. Ronfard2015-04-272015-04-272015978-3-905674-79-82411-9733 and especially animations, where cameras can move nearly without any restriction, often use moving cameras, thereby intensifying continuity [Bor02] and influencing the impression of cinematic space [Jon07]. Further studies effectively use moving cameras to explore perception and processing of real world action [HUGG14]. But what is the influence of simultaneous multiple movements of actors and camera on basic perception and understanding of film sequences? It seems reasonable to expect that understanding of object movement is easiest from a static viewpoint, but that nevertheless moving viewpoints can be partialed out during perception.The Influence of a Moving Camera on the Perception of Distances between Moving Objects10.2312/wiced.2015107855-55