Reischl, M.Derzapf, E.Guthe, M.Benes, Bedrich and Hauser, Helwig2020-05-222020-05-2220201467-8659 accurate real‐time rendering of teeth has many applications ranging from computer games to dental computer aided design (CAD). Similar to skin, the realistic and physically correct appearance of teeth cannot be achieved by simply using opaque diffuse textures, mainly because of the subsurface scattering behaviours of both. While both have a layered structure in common, the scattering characteristics of the teeth layers are drastically different from those of the skin, making rendering much more complicated. We present an approach which uses the Henyey–Greenstein scattering to achieve a near realistic real‐time rendering of human teeth. To simulate the multi‐layered geometry of teeth, we use standardized teeth models with dentin cores and fit them to real scanned teeth or dental restorations. By using a proxy geometry to compute the scattering, we can also render partial restorations as they would look like when attached to the remaining teeth. Finally, we compare our results to the VITA shade systems and human teeth to evaluate the visual fidelity of our approach.real‐time renderingrenderingreflectance & shading modelsrenderingPhysically Based Real‐Time Rendering of Teeth and Partial Restorations10.1111/cgf.13665106-116