Verhille, VictorBayart, BenjaminPiuzzi, MarcVartanian, AlexisJerome Perret and Valter Basso and Francesco Ferrise and Kaj Helin and Vincent Lepetit and James Ritchie and Christoph Runde and Mascha van der Voort and Gabriel Zachmann2014-12-172014-12-172014978-3-905674-76-7 advanced interaction scenarios in Virtual Reality become more common in the industry, there is a need of new rendering and interaction systems. Combining both the TechViz XL driver and the TechViz TVZLib provides a new approach to answer that need. Using existing 3D applications made of known 3D engine, and where interactions are based on the keyboard and mouse inputs, we added the TechViz driver and library to turn the desktop designed applications to VR experiences. The benefit of this combination is the limited requirement needed for code modification to export the desktop application to a VR experience.How to Easily Develop a VR Experience from a 3D Desktop Application Thanks to the TechViz TVZLib API