Migut, M. A.Worring, M.Tobias Isenberg and Filip Sadlo2016-06-092016-06-092016978-3-03868-015-4-https://doi.org/10.2312/eurp.20161142https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10The most common and important data visualizations, such as barcharts or scatterplots are typically feature-based. In this paper we question whether feature-based representations are favorable from the cognition point of view. We show through the examples how the notion of prototypes can be introduced and discuss based on Card's taxonomy how feature- and prototypebased representations amplify cognition.I.3.3 [Visual Analytics]prototypes visualizationsfeatures visualizationFeatures vs Prototypes: Amplifying Cognition with Common Data Graphics10.2312/eurp.2016114261-63