Cui, QiaodongWu, ZhaohuiXing, ChangZhou, ZhongWu, WeiB. Bickel and T. Ritschel2015-04-152015-04-152015 plays an important role in virtual environment. Controlling the flame behavior in an intuitive yet precise manner remains a challenging open problem. In this paper, a target temperature driven simulation method is proposed to control flame animation. The diverse descriptions of target flame are unified by temperature field. An adaptive control force is presented to control the degree of target-driven changing over the temperature field. A bidirectional iterative method is proposed to subdivide the final goal into a plurality of intermediate targets. We take geometric model, image, and temperature field as target flames to test our method. Experimental results show that this method allows complex flame animations to be controllably generated with very little additional cost compared to ordinary flow simulations.targetdrivenadaptive control forceflame animationtemperature fieldTarget Temperature Driven Dynamic Flame Animation10.2312/egsh.2015101145-48