Gueunet, CharlesChhim, Tiffany L.Gillmann, ChristinaKrone, MichaelLenti, Simone2023-06-102023-06-102023978-3-03868-220-2 work introduces the VESPA project, a bridge between geometry processing with the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) and scientific visualization with the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) and ParaView. After a brief description of these tools, we motivate the use of VESPA through the example of a full processing pipeline detailing the construction of a mold from an initial 3D surface model. This paper illustrates the use of several robust geometry operations as well as the benefits of added interactivity and visualization. As an open source project, VESPA is already publicly available and open to contributions.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Mathematics of computing -> Geometric topology; Computing methodologies -> Scientific visualizationMathematics of computingGeometric topologyComputing methodologiesScientific visualizationVESPA: VTK Enhanced with Surface Processing Algorithms10.2312/evp.2023107485-873 pages