Winchenbach, ReneHochstetter, HendrikKolb, AndreasLadislav Kavan and Chris Wojtan2016-07-102016-07-102016978-3-03868-009-31727-5288 this paper we present a new approach to create neighbor lists with strict memory bounds for incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations. Our proposed approach is based on a novel efficient predictive-corrective algorithm that locally adjusts particle support radii in order to yield neighborhoods of a user-defined maximum size. Due to the improved estimation of the initial support radius, our algorithm is able to efficiently calculate neighborhoods in a single iteration in almost any situation. We compare our neighbor list algorithm to previous approaches and show that our proposed approach can handle larger particle numbers on a single GPU due to its strict guarantees and is able to simulate more particles in real time due to its benefits in regard to performance. Additionally we demonstrate the versatility and stability of our approach in several different scenarios, for example multi-scale simulations and with different kernel functions.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismAnimationI.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling ]Types of SimulationParallelConstrained Neighbor Lists for SPH-based Fluid Simulations10.2312/sca.2016122249-56