Derstroff, AdrianLeistikow, SimonNahardani, AliEbrahimi, MahyasadatHoerr, VerenaLinsen, LarsKrone, MichaelLenti, SimoneSchmidt, Johanna2022-06-022022-06-022022978-3-03868-185-4 are measurable biological properties that allow for distinguishing subjects of different cohorts such as healthy vs. diseased. In the context of diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system, researchers aim - among others - at detecting biomarkers in the form of spatio-temporal regions of blood flow obtained by medical imaging or of derived hemodynamical parameters. As the search space for such biomarkers in time-varying volumetric multi-field data is extremely large, we present an interactive visual exploration system to support the analysis of the potential of spatio-temporal regions to discriminate cohorts.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseExplorative Visual Analysis of Spatio-temporal Regions to Detect Hemodynamic Biomarker Candidates10.2312/evp.2022110915-173 pages