Pavliuc, Alexandra MelaniaDykes, JasonByška, Jan and Jänicke, Stefan2020-05-242020-05-242020978-3-03868-105-2 working to understand, combat, and inform the public about disinformation operations need tools to analyse these complex social phenomena, and communicate their findings to stakeholders. Temporal network visualization presents a means of analysing and communicating this dynamic socio-technical phenomenon, but comes with visualization design challenges that can be addressed through judicious iterative design and empirical evaluation. We present a path towards tailoring temporal network visualizations for DisInfoVis through qualitative evaluation, and outline a design for representing disinformation operations in social media networks informed by this process and used in public communication.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseInformation systemsSocial networksHuman centered computingInformation visualizationEmpirical studies in visualizationGraph drawingsVisualization techniquesSecurity and privacySocial engineering attacksDesigning Effective Network Visualization Representations of Disinformation Operations - Improving DisInfoVis10.2312/eurp.2020111817-19