Dias, José Miguel SallesGonzález, David MuifíosGamito, Manuel NoronhaXavier PueyoManuel Próspero dos SantosLuiz Velho2023-01-242023-01-242022978-3-03868-194-6https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.20021410https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt20021410We present a general computational architecture that solves the problem of the production of physical-based virtual textiles and garments (so called electronic garments or e-garments), applicable in lnternet-based electronic-commerce scenarios. We focus in the evaluation of their visual and mechanical precision, relatively to the textile quality control procedures adopted by the industry. Our proposed architecture includes a client that authors an e-garment dressed onto a personalised avatar, establishing the boundary conditions of the mechanical system and, a server, that solves the equilibrium equations through time of such system, using optimised numerical procedures. The client inputs 2D cutting patterns from apparel CAD vendors, defines the seams between the CAD patterns, sets fabric material proprieties, loads a personalised avatar into a JD scene, places the patterns relative to the JD avatar, configures simulation parameters and instructs the remate server to simulate the e-garment dressing process. We conclude with the validity of our new computationalframework for modelling e-garments made of plain-woven fabrics and the applicability of the system in a more global lnternet-based electronic commerce solutionfor on-line shopping of apparel andfashion goods.Attribution 4.0 International LicensePhysical-based Modeling, Virtual Textiles, Electronic Garments, Avatars, B2C Electronic CommercePhysicalbased ModelingVirtual TextilesElectronic GarmentsAvatarsB2C Electronic CommerceSimulating E-Garments Oressed on Personalísed Avatars10.2312/pt.20021410129-13810 pages