Sousa, Mario CostaPrusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw2015-02-162015-02-1620031467-8659 present a method for rendering 3D models in the traditionalline-drawing style used in artistic and scientificillustrations. The goal is to suggest the 3D shape of the objectsusing a small number of lines drawn with carefullychosen line qualities. The system combines several known techniquesinto a simple yet effective non-photorealisticline renderer. Feature edges related to the outline and interiorof a given 3D mesh are extracted, segmented, andsmoothed, yielding chains of lines with varying path, length, thickness,gaps, and enclosures. The paper includessample renderings obtained for a variety of models.A Few Good Lines: Suggestive Drawing of 3D Models10.1111/1467-8659.00685381-390