Gunnarsson, OrnMaddock, SteveIk Soo Lim and David Duce2014-01-312014-01-312007978-3-905673-63-0 faces is important in a number of application areas. Faces can be constructed using commercial modelling tools, existing faces can be transferred to a digital form using equipment such as laser scanners, and law enforcement agencies use sketch artists and photo-fit software to produce faces of suspects. We present a technique that can create a 3-dimensional head using intuitive, artistic 2-dimensional sketching techniques. Our work involves bringing together two types of graphics applications: sketching interfaces and systems used to create 3-dimensional faces, through the mediation of a statistical model. We present our results where we sketch a nose and search for a geometric face model in a database whose nose best matches the sketched nose.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Sketch-based modelingA Statistically-Assisted Sketch-Based Interface for Creating Arbitrary 3-dimensional Faces