Ortega, Lidia M.Fernández, Juan CarlosCollado, José AntonioFeito, J. Francisco R.Marco, JulioPatow, Gustavo2024-06-032024-06-032024978-3-03868-261-5https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20241144https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/ceig20241144Visualizing and interacting increasingly large and dense point clouds imposes the need for new methods with real-time results, where most common solutions imply a disadvantage greater than their benefit. Among the recent software and hardware advances in computer graphics and visualization, it is possible to take the concept of meshlet as a clustering of nearby points in space; this nature can bring a considerable improvement in the interaction process over the classical brute-force based algorithm, similar to common three-dimensional spatial structures. This work implements the point selection process over a meshlet-structured point cloud, assessing its performance against alternative methods and validating its correctness by visualizing the selection result on a graphical interface. By exploiting the meshlet instead of building additional spatial structures, the method's execution time can be optimized, as well as the use of the system's main memory.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Mesh geometry models; Computer graphicsCCS ConceptsComputing methodologies → Mesh geometry modelsComputer graphicsAn Efficient Point Selection Process over a Meshlet-structured Point Cloud10.2312/ceig.202411444 pages