Zeng, DanChambers, ErinLetscher, DavidJu, TaoCampen, MarcelSpagnuolo, Michela2022-06-272022-06-2720221467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14611https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf14611We present a method for removing unwanted topological features (e.g., islands, handles, cavities) from a sequence of shapes where each shape is nested in the next. Such sequences can be found in nature, such as a multi-layered material or a growing plant root. Existing topology simplification methods are designed for single shapes, and applying them independently to shapes in a sequence may lose the nesting property. We formulate the nesting-constrained simplification task as an optimal labelling problem on a set of candidate shape deletions (''cuts'') and additions (''fills''). We explored several optimization strategies, including a greedy heuristic that sequentially propagates labels, a state-space search algorithm that is provably optimal, and a beam-search variant with controllable complexity. Evaluation on synthetic and real-world data shows that our method is as effective as single-shape simplification methods in reducing topological complexity and minimizing geometric changes, and it additionally ensures nesting. Also, the beam-search strategy is found to strike the best balance between optimality and efficiency.CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Shape analysis; Volumetric modelsComputing methodologiesShape analysisVolumetric modelsTopological Simplification of Nested Shapes10.1111/cgf.14611161-17313 pages