Rufa, ClaudioForlani, MassimilianoPietroni, EvaAntinucci, FrancescoRescic, LeonardoSofia Pescarin and Pedro Cano and Alfredo Grande2016-01-052016-01-052015978-1-5090-0048-7 the walls! is a serious game that deals with the technology and tactics of siege of the IV century BC, the war machines and the strategies of attack and defense, the architectural characteristics of the towers and the city walls of Paestum (that was called Poseidonia before the Romans). It is and educational project involving the user in a multi-sensory experience. The issue is developed through a short but spectacular movie followed by a game using gesture-based interaction, suitable for a diverse audience, particularly young people.DEFEND THE WALLS! SERIOUS GAME for the valorisation of the walls of the ancient city of PaestumTBA