Hua, JunjieFurukawa, MasahiroMaeda, TaroHuang, Tony and Otsuki, Mai and Servières, Myriam and Dey, Arindam and Sugiura, Yuta and Banakou, Domna and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina2019-01-232019-01-232018978-3-03868-076-51727-530X experience shows that body ownership can be built through illusory visual-tactile correlation when man observes avatar from its back.On the other hand, ownership and agency are usually thought to be negative when observing avatar face to face. We aim to clarify whether person perspective plays an important role on ownership and agency when controlling a mobile robot, and if so, how does ownership and agency change when person perspective changes. In this article, we developed a mouse-robot control system to construct a visual-motor synchronous system. We found that agency over robot is independent from ownership; ownership over robot can be experienced when facing it under synchronous conditions.Computer system organizationRobotic controlContribution to Ownership and Agency When Controlling a Mobile Robot10.2312/egve.201813753-4