Sandoval, MarioMorris, TimTurner, MartinRitsos, Panagiotis D. and Xu, Kai2020-09-102020-09-102020978-3-03868-122-9 (Library for Interactive Settings and User-modes) is an input management computing framework which enables groups of researchers to cohabit real-time simulation environments simultaneously and to visualise and manipulate virtual objects within multiple computer-assisted visualisation applications. The key novelty of LISU is an automated layered approach (physicaldriver- transport-upper layers) with importantly a built-in HCI ontology and strictly defined set of sub-APIs between the layers. All of this allows multiple input devices with multiple degrees of freedom to interact simultaneously, allowing for more intuitive and natural behaviour. Evaluation combines both linear and non-linear user modes, with a comparison system provided by Unity3D. By combining human spatial reasoning and computer graphics theory, technologies like LISU have the potential to improve our ability to understand, test and evaluate, reengineer, and then communicate better virtual dataset behaviour.Human centered computingInteraction devicesComputing methodologiesVirtual realityConcurrent algorithmsGraphics input devicesControlling Game Objects Using Multiple Degrees-Of-Freedom10.2312/cgvc.2020115893-100