Marin, DianaKomon, PatrickOhrhallinger, StefanWimmer, MichaelLiu, LingjieAverkiou, Melinos2024-04-302024-04-302024978-3-03868-239-41017-4656 advancements in scanning technologies and their rise in availability have shifted the focus from reconstructing surfaces from point clouds of small areas to large, e.g., city-wide scenes, containing massive amounts of data. We adapt a surface reconstruction method to work in a distributed fashion on a high-performance cluster, reconstructing datasets with millions of vertices in seconds. We exploit the locality of the connectivity required by the reconstruction algorithm to efficiently divide-andconquer the problem of creating triangulations from very large unstructured point clouds.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Point-based modelsComputing methodologies → Pointbased modelsDistributed Surface Reconstruction10.2312/egp.202410372 pages