Sterzik, AnnaLichtenberg, NilsKrone, MichaelCunningham, Douglas W.Lawonn, KaiRenata G. RaidouBjörn SommerTorsten W. KuhlenMichael KroneThomas SchultzHsiang-Yun Wu2022-09-192022-09-192022978-3-03868-177-92070-5786 are often subject to some degree of uncertainty, whether aleatory or epistemic. This applies both to experimental data acquired with sensors as well as to simulation data. Displaying these data and their uncertainty faithfully is crucial for gaining knowledge. Specifically, the effective communication of the uncertainty can influence the interpretation of the data and the users' trust in the visualization. However, uncertainty-aware visualization has gotten little attention in molecular visualization. When using the established molecular representations, the physicochemical attributes of the molecular data usually already occupy the common visual channels like shape, size, and color. Consequently, to encode uncertainty information, we need to open up another channel by using feature lines. Even though various line variables have been proposed for uncertainty visualizations, they have so far been primarily used for two-dimensional data and there has been little perceptual evaluation. Therefore, we conducted a perceptual study to determine the suitability of the line variables sketchiness, dashing, grayscale, and width for distinguishing several uncertainty values on molecular surfaces.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing --> Empirical studies in visualization; Scientific visualization; Computing methodologies --> Non-photorealistic rendering; Applied computing --> Imaging"Human centered computingEmpirical studies in visualizationScientific visualizationComputing methodologiesNonphotorealistic renderingApplied computingImaging"Perceptual Evaluation of Common Line Variables for Displaying Uncertainty on Molecular Surfaces10.2312/vcbm.2022118641-5111 pages