Stamminger, MarcSlusallek, PhilippSeidel, Hans-Peter2015-02-152015-02-1519971467-8659, Radiosity algorithms have been restricted to scenes made from planar patches. Most algorithms for computing form factors and the subdivision criterion for hierarchical methods implicitly assume planar patches. In this paper, we present a new radiosity algorithm that is solely based on simple geometric information about surface elements, namely their bounding boxes and cone of normals. Using this information allows to compute efficient error bounds that can be used for the subdivision oracle and for computing the energy transfer. Due to the simple interface to geometric objects, our algorithm not only allows for computing illumination on general curved surfaces, but it can also be directly applied to a hieararchy of clusters. Several examples demonstrate the advantages of the new approach.Bounded Radiosity - Illumination on General Surfaces and Clusters10.1111/1467-8659.00168C309-C317