Vuillamy, J.Lieutier, A.Lafarge, F.Alliez, P.Hauser, Helwig and Alliez, Pierre2022-10-112022-10-1120221467-8659 address the problem of simplifying two‐dimensional polygonal partitions that exhibit strong regularities. Such partitions are relevant for reconstructing urban scenes in a concise way. Preserving long linear structures spanning several partition cells motivates a point‐line projective duality approach in which points represent line intersections, and lines possibly carry multiple points. We propose a simplification algorithm that seeks a balance between the fidelity to the input partition, the enforcement of canonical relationships between lines (orthogonality or parallelism) and a low complexity output. Our methodology alternates continuous optimization by Riemannian gradient descent with combinatorial reduction, resulting in a progressive simplification scheme. Our experiments show that preserving canonical relationships helps gracefully degrade partitions of urban scenes, and yields more concise and regularity‐preserving meshes than common mesh‐based simplification approaches.polygonal partitionsimplificationprojective dualityoptimizationurban reconstructionSimplification of 2D Polygonal Partitions via Point‐line Projective Duality, and Application to Urban Reconstruction10.1111/cgf.14511379-393