Trindade, Jorge F.Fiolhais, CarlosGil, VictorTeixeira, José C.José Carlos TeixeiraWerner HansmannMichael B. McGrath2023-03-092023-03-092023978-3-03868-207-3 reality is an emerging computer visualization. technology which allows educators to place their students into instructional environments heretofore difficult or impossible to achieve. ln arder to take full advantage of this technology, a virtual environment, "Virtual Water", is being developed. Virtual reality has been recently employed in a few educational applications, but the project presented here is the first application we know of combining aspects as atomic and molecular orbits, electron densities, water molecular dynamics for the liquid and gaseous phases and phase transitions.Attribution 4.0 International Licensevirtual reality, water, molecular dynamics, quantum mechanicsvirtual realitywatermolecular dynamicsquantum mechanicsVirtual Environment of Water Molecules for Learning and Teaching Science10.2312/pt.19991583153-1575 pages