Thomaszewski, BernhardWacker, MarkusStraßer, WolfgangLyard, EtienneLuible, C.Volino, PascalKasap, M.Muggeo, V.Magnenat-Thalmann, NadiaKarol Myszkowski and Vlastimil Havran2015-07-142015-07-142007 more than two decades, cloth simulation has been an active research area in computer graphics. In order to create efficient high-quality animations, techniques from many research fields have to be thoroughly combined. The ongoing interest in this field is also due to the multidisciplinary nature of cloth simulation which spurs development and progress in collision detection, numerical time integration, constrained dynamics, or motion control, to name just a few areas. Beyond the very basic approaches, the complexity of the material can be daunting if no guidance is given. It is therefore the goal of this tutorial to provide the reader with an introduction and a guideline to the relevant matter. In order to provide a concise review, we will focus on advanced topics in cloth simulation, shedding light on both theoretical and practical aspects. This will pave the ground for those willing to implement a contemporaneous cloth simulation system as well as researchers who consider to start working in this area.Advanced Topics in Virtual Garment Simulation10.2312/egt.20071069795-855