Brath, RichardAndersen, PaulMatusiak, MartinGerber, RaymondArleo, Alessiovan den Elzen, Stefvon Landesberger, TatianaRehse, Jana-RebeccaPufahl, LuiseZerbato, Francesca2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-254-7 mining and more broadly journey analytics create sequences that can be understood with graph-oriented visual analytics. We have designed and implemented more than a dozen visual analytics on sequence data in production software over the last 20 years. We outline a variety of data challenges, user tasks, visualization layouts, node and edge representations, and interactions, including strengths and weaknesses and potential future research.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Field studies; Interaction design process and methods; Visual analyticsHuman centered computing → Field studiesInteraction design process and methodsVisual analyticsVisual Journey Analytics: Lessons Learned from Real-world Implementations10.2312/vipra.202411056 pages