Lidal, E. M.Patel, D.Bendiksen, M.Langeland, T.Viola, I.O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann2014-01-242014-01-242013978-3-905674-54-5 present and compare two different approaches for performing rapid 3D geological modeling. The ad-hoc approach is based on a composition of many specialized modeling functions, while the generic approach provides one powerful, generic modeling function. Our experiences after developing these two approaches are that the solution space of 3D geological modeling is more extensive than we initially expected and most likely larger than for other modeling domains such as architecture. Further, more research is needed to investigate whether it is possible to find one well defined toolset of sketching metaphors that is able to cover all of geological modeling.Rapid Sketch-based 3D Modeling of Geology