ShunsukeYoshida,Yamada, KunioMochizuki, KenjiAizawa, KiyoharuSaito, TakahiroS. Mueller and W. Stuerzlinger2014-01-272014-01-2720021-58113-535-11727-530X Ambiance Communication is a means to achieve shared-space communication in an immersive environment constructed of photo-realistic natural images where users can feel they are part of the environment. An image-based virtual environment is generally represented as an extensive field, in scenes showing mainly a landscape, and most objects are beyond the viewer s reach. Additionally, it usually has a single suitable point for observation because of limitations in the capture and representation methods of 3D-image spaces. Therefore, a special technique has to be developed that enables interaction with the environment. This paper describes the concept of a technique to interact with the scene based on a telescope-like virtual tool. The tool enables the user to stereoscopically view a distant object that will appear to be within reach, and to manipulate the object directly by putting a hand in the "scope". Hence, the user can handle objects at any distance, seamlessly and from the best viewpoint, without leaving an immersive environment.Scope-Based Interaction - A Technique for Interaction in an Image-Based Virtual Environment