Zhang, YuheGeng, GuohuaWei, XiaoranZhang, ShunliLuis Gonzaga Magalhaes and Rafal Mantiuk2016-04-262016-04-2620161017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egp.20161049This paper introduces a method that enables the reassembly of fragments with incompleteness in fracture surfaces and break-curves. The incompleteness of the fracture surfaces and break-curves, both contribute to the failure of all previous geometry-driven techniques for reassembly of 3D objects. The proposed method is preferable because it depends on the surface ornamentation-the structured feature lines, which are often complete and can provide enough surface adjacency constraints. Finally, we demonstrate the benefits of our method with the favorable results for real-world point clouds of Terracotta.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Modeling/Shape Matching and RetrievalShape MatchingTerracotta Reassembly from Fragments Based on Surface Ornamentation Adjacency Constraints10.2312/egp.2016104925-26