López, AlfonsoAnguita, Carlos Javier OgayarHigueruela, Francisco Ramón FeitoOrtega, Lidia M. and Chica, Antonio2021-09-212021-09-212021978-3-03868-160-1https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20211360https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/ceig20211360This paper presents a GPU-based LiDAR simulator to generate large datasets of ground-truth point clouds. LiDAR technology has significantly increased its impact on academic and industrial environments. However, some of its applications require a large amount of annotated LiDAR data. Furthermore, there exist many types of LiDAR sensors. Therefore, developing a parametric LiDAR model allows simulating a wide range of LiDAR scanning technologies and obtaining a significant number of points clouds at no cost. Beyond their intensity data, these synthetic point clouds can be classified with any level of detail.Computing methodologiesSimulation environmentsMassively parallel algorithmsRenderingA GPU-accelerated LiDAR Sensor for Generating Labelled Datasets10.2312/ceig.2021136027-30