Dias, FilipeJorge, JoaquimLopes, Adriano2021-10-112021-10-112021978-3-03868-164-9https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.20051458https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt20051458Automobile designers, when creatively designing a vehicle, have to bind by several shape constraints while also exploring new concepts. A natural and unhindered modelling environment for a designer to start modelling in is thus desired. We present our ongoing modelling system, AutoMake, that enables calligraphic modelling of a simple 3D object that resembles the body shape of a car. Our system provides an innovative way to recognize 3D objects by matching sketches against templates stored in a database, indexed by multiple edge graphs based on various views. Our approach enables users to specify a bounding box providing perspective and size information about model. The user next sketches a model that is matched against a template, using a multidimensional indexing structure.Sketchbased ModellingGraph MatchingA Graph-Matching Approach to Sketch-Based Modeling10.2312/pt.20051458161-165