Nguyen, Hoang HaDesbenoit, BrettDaniel, MarcJ. Keyser, Y. J. Kim, and P. Wonka2015-03-032015-03-0320141467-8659 introduce a new approach to construct smooth piecewise curves representing realistic road paths. Given a GIS database of road networks in which sampled points are organized in 3D polylines, our method creates horizontal, then vertical curves, and finally combines them to produce 3D road paths. We first estimate the possibility of each point of being a junction between two separate primitive curve segments. Next, we design a tree-traversal algorithm to expand sequences of local best fit primitives which are then merged together with respect to the G1 continuity constraint and civil engineering rules. We apply the Levenberg-Marquardt method to minimize the error between the resulting curve and the sampled points while preserving the G1 continuity.Realistic Road Path Reconstruction from GIS Data