Wang, CuilanViola, Ivan and Gleicher, Michael and Landesberger von Antburg, Tatiana2020-05-242020-05-2420201467-8659 volume is the volume of the region between two isosurfaces. This paper proposes a novel measure, called VOA measure, that is computed based on interval volume and isosurface area. This measure represents the rate of change of distance between isosurfaces with respect to isovalue. It can be used to detect representative isovalues of the dataset since two isosurfaces near material boundaries tend to be much closer to each other than two isosurfaces in material interiors, assuming they have the same isovalue difference. For the same isosurface, some portion of it may pass through the boundary of two materials and some portion of it may pass through the interior of a material. To separate the portions of an isosurface that represent different features of the dataset, another novel isosurface measure is introduced. This measure is calculated based on the Euclidean distance of individual sample points on two isosurfaces. The effectiveness of the two new measures in detecting significant isovalues and segmenting isosurfaces are demonstrated in the paper.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseRepresentative Isovalue Detection and Isosurface Segmentation Using Novel Isosurface Measures10.1111/cgf.1396137-47