Zhang, FanTourre, VincentMoreau, GuillaumeVincent Tourre and Gonzalo Besuievsky2014-01-272014-01-272013978-3-905674-46-02307-8251https://doi.org/10.2312/UDMV/UDMV13/033-036Applications based on urban environments are applied frequently in daily life which increases the needs for a high quality visualization result. It combines the urban environment and the special application-related topic together. The urban environment can be visualized with different scales, namely with different levels of detail to improve rendering and processing performance of the application. Visualization for the special topic, semantics, similarly is in need of a smart strategy to stay consistent with information density. This paper proposes a general strategy to handle semantic levels of detail visualization in urban environment. An example is given to illustrate how it is applied. Later, a mapping between urban environment levels of detail and semantic levels of detail is discussed. In the last part, the limitations of the general strategy are stated. And visualization issues for semantics are listed such as the proper visualization form and technique for a given semantic level of detail. This paper aims to bring about a wider discussion on semantic levels of detail visualization in urban environment.I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]ApplicationsA General Strategy for Semantic Levels of Detail Visualization in Urban Environment