Gobeawan, LikeXu, ShuhongTurner, Stephen JohnIk Soo Lim and David Duce2014-01-312014-01-312007978-3-905673-63-0https://doi.org/10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/TPCG/TPCG07/165-172Stitching two mesh partitions at their boundaries poses some challenges, especially when a visually seamless result is desired. In general, direct stitching of mismatching mesh boundaries does not readily produce a seamless result, unless some geometric measures are considered in the process. In this paper, a novel stitching technique for mesh partitions with mismatching boundaries is proposed. Using the boundary information of the mesh partitions, smooth curves are constructed across the partition boundaries and new vertices along the stitch path are generated to replace the mismatching boundary vertices. Several seamlessness criteria are considered in the construction of the algorithm to ensure a seamless stitch result.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling I.3.m [Computer Graphics]: MiscellaneousSeamless Mesh Stitching Using Curve Approximation