Hu, SathapornReilly, DerekAbey CampbellClaudia KrogmeierGareth Young2023-12-042023-12-042023978-3-03868-236-31727-530X is a glyph composition technique which relies on the parallax effect achieved through AR: multiple glyphs float on top of each other. Although the individual glyphs are spatially separated, changing viewing angles can compose or decompose the glyphs. In the area where the glyphs visually align, their colours are multiplicatively blended to express multiplied values. We compared the novel technique against a control technique, Radial, which cannot be decomposed. We found increasing the number of glyphs in a composite reduced the accuracies of both techniques. However, Stacked was more affected. Participants were faster with Stacked technique when the composites were far away; the parallax effect automatically decomposed the far-away glyph composite.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Visualization design and evaluation methods; Computing methodologies → Mixed / augmented realityHumancentered computing → Visualization design and evaluation methodsComputing methodologies → Mixed / augmented realityParallax-based Glyph Composition Technique with Colour-Blending Glyphs10.2312/egve.2023134231-322 pages