Bhardwaj, AditRaman, ShanmuganathanMathias Paulin and Carsten Dachsbacher2014-12-162014-12-1620141017-4656 consider the High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging problem for real world scenes. We can change either the exposure time or the aperture while capturing multiple images of the scene to generate an HDR image. This paper addresses the HDR imaging problem for static and dynamic scenes when we do not have any knowledge of the camera settings. We have proposed a novel threshold for Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (ALM) framework which enables us to process the images getting rid of artifacts due to moving objects and defocus blur.I.4.3 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]EnhancementFilteringI.4.8 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]Scene AnalysisMotionHDR Imaging Using Augmented Lagrange Multipliers (ALM)