Gaitatzes, AthanasiosMavridis, PavlosPapaioannou, GeorgiosBing-Yu Chen and Jan Kautz and Tong-Yee Lee and Ming C. Lin2013-10-312013-10-312011978-3-905673-84-5 increasing number of rendering and geometry processing algorithms relies on volume data to calculate anything from effects like smoke/fluid simulations, visibility information or global illumination effects. We present two real-time and simple-to-implement novel surface voxelization algorithms and a volume data caching structure, the Volume Buffer, which encapsulates functionality, storage and access similar to a frame buffer object, but for threedimensional scalar data. The Volume Buffer can rasterize primitives in 3d space and accumulate up to 1024 bits of arbitrary data per voxel, as required by the specific application. The strength of our methods is the simplicity of the implementation resulting in fast computation times and very easy integration with existing frameworks and rendering engines.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation-Bitmap and frame-buffer operationsTwo Simple Single-pass GPU methods for Multi-channel Surface Voxelization of Dynamic Scenes