Pan, XuemingBeckmann, PhilippHavemann, SvenTzompanaki, K.Doerr, MartinFellner, Dieter W.Alessandro Artusi and Morwena Joly and Genevieve Lucet and Denis Pitzalis and Alejandro Ribes2014-01-312014-01-312010978-3-905674-29-31811-864X paper describes the design and the implementation of a distributed object repository that offers cultural heritage experts and practitioners a working platform to access, use, share and modify digital content. The principle of collecting paradata to document each step in a potentially long sequence of processing steps implies a number of design decisions for the data repository, which are described and explained. Furthermore, we provide a description of the concise API our implementation. Our intention is to provide an easy-to-understand recipe that may be valuable also for other data repository implementations that incorporate and operationalize the more theoretical concepts of intellectual transparency, collecting paradata, and compatibility to semantic networks.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): H.2.1 [Database Management]: Data models- Schema and subschema H.2.7 [Database Management]: Data warehouse and repository-Data models H.3.7 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Digital Libraries-DisseminationA Distributed Object Repository for Cultural Heritage