Schmitz, ArneLi, MingSchönefeld, VolkerKobbelt, LeifMatthew Cooper and Kari Pulli2015-03-052015-03-052010 present a framework which enables the combination of different mobile devices into one multi-display such that visual content can be shown on a larger area consisting, e.g., of several mobile phones placed arbitrarily on the table. Our system allows the user to perform multi-touch interaction metaphors, even across different devices, and it guarantees the proper synchronization of the individual displays with low latency. Hence from the user s perspective the heterogeneous collection of mobile devices acts like one single display and input device. From the system perspective the major technical and algorithmic challenges lie in the co-calibration of the individual displays and in the low latency synchronization and communication of user events. For the calibration we estimate the relative positioning of the displays by visual object recognition and an optional manual calibration step.Ad-Hoc Multi-Displays for Mobile Interactive Applications10.2312/ega.2010100645-52