Boucher, MagdalenaStoiber, ChristinaKejstova, MagdalenaKandlhofer, MartinErtl, AlenaKriglstein, SimoneAigner, WolfgangFirat, Elif E.Laramee, Robert S.Andersen, Nicklas Sindelv2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-257-8 study explores the use of data visualizations in school education, examining how they are integrated into teaching practices and materials. By conducting semi-structured interviews with 15 teachers across Austria and Slovakia, coupled with a thorough classification of 5,655 data visualizations in 54 Austrian school textbooks, we gained insights into the landscape of visualization types used in educational settings. Despite the discovery of a wide array of visualization types, our analysis reveals a predominant reliance on simple business charts, highlighting a gap in the variety of methods and resources available for effectively teaching a wider range of visualizations. From our research, we derive lessons learned that pave the way for future development of educational methods and materials to enhance visualization literacy in schools.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Collision detection; Hardware → Sensors and actuators; PCB design and layoutComputing methodologies → Collision detectionHardware → Sensors and actuatorsPCB design and layoutMapping the Landscape of Data Visualizations in Schools and Educational Resources10.2312/eved.202410529 pages