Marum, Joao Paulo OliveiraJones, J. AdamCunningham, H. ConradTom Coffin and Gabriel Zachmann and Akihiko Shirai and Regis Kopper and Pedro Morillo2016-12-072016-12-072016978-3-03868-027-7 Reactive Programing (FRP) is a new paradigm that has been evolving and used in many different fields, i.e.: robotics, user interface and others. FRP was originally developed as a programming paradigm to handle animation and it has since been used as a replacement for the observer pattern in systems that require order and accuracy when handling large numbers of callbacks. Inaccuracy and ordering issues related to callbacks can negatively affect a user's experience when using a virtual environment (VE). We propose a framework for virtual environments, that we believe will improve the design of them through the use of functional reactive capabilities. As a proof of the concept, we are currently developing a FRP-based augmented desktop system that utilizes multiple virtual and real workspaces and gesture interactions for switching between desktop contexts.Functional Reactive Augmented Reality: Proof of Concept Using an Extended Augmented Desktop with Swipe Interaction10.2312/egve.2016145013-14