Mohanto, BipulKluge, SvenStaadt, OliverBanterle, FrancescoCaggianese, GiuseppeCapece, NicolaErra, UgoLupinetti, KatiaManfredi, Gilda2023-11-122023-11-122023978-3-03868-235-62617-4855 developed a framework to accelerate real-time path tracing through foveated rendering, a robust technique that leverages human vision. Our dynamic foveated path-tracing framework integrates fixations and selectively lowers the rendering resolution towards the periphery. Through comprehensive experimentation, we demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework in this paper. Our solution can significantly enhance rendering performance, up to 25× without any notable visual differences. We further evaluated the framework using a structured error map algorithm with variable sample numbers.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Ray tracing; PerceptionComputing methodologiesRay tracingPerceptionA Foveated Framework to Accelerate Real-time Path Tracing10.2312/stag.20231305157-1593 pages