Zellmann, StefanMorrical, NateWald, IngoPascucci, ValerioFrey, Steffen and Huang, Jian and Sadlo, Filip2020-05-242020-05-242020978-3-03868-107-61727-348Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/pgv.20201070https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pgv20201070Instancing is commonly used to reduce the memory footprint of massive 3-d models. Nevertheless, large production assets often do not fit into the memory allocated to a single rendering node or into the video memory of a single GPU. For memory intensive scenes like these, distributed rendering can be helpful. However, finding efficient data distributions for these instanced 3-d models is challenging, since a memory-efficient data distribution often results in an inefficient spatial distribution, and vice versa. Therefore, we propose a k-d tree construction algorithm that balances these two opposing goals and evaluate our scene distribution approach using publicly available instanced 3-d models like Disney's Moana Island Scene.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseComputing methodologiesRay tracingSelforganizationFinding Efficient Spatial Distributions for Massively Instanced 3-d Models10.2312/pgv.202010701-11