Bettio, FabioGobbetti, EnricoPintore, GiovanniMarton, FabioJean M. Favre and Luis Paulo Santos and Dirk Reiners2014-01-262014-01-262007978-3-905673-50-01727-348X report on a cluster parallel multiresolution rendering system driving a spatial 3D display able to give multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers the illusion of seeing virtual objects floating at fixed physical locations situated in a human scale working volume. The efficiency of this approach is demonstrated by an application supporting interactive manipulation of colored highly tessellated models on a large (1.6x0.9 meters) 50Mpixel display that allows for a room-size working space.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): B.4.2 [Input/Output and Data Communications]: Input/Output Devices Image DisplayMultiresolution Visualization of Massive Models on a Large Spatial 3D Display