Holynski, MarekGarneau, RobertLewis, ElaineA.A.G. Requicha2015-09-292015-09-2919861017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/eg.19861017This paper presents a progression of experimental work aimed at incorporating principles of graphic presentation and preferences of users into a computer graphics system. These standard-s for effective visual representation of data are based on empirically developed criteria. Several different approaches for obtaining these criteria from picture attributes are described. First, relevant attributes are verified using a series of pictures created with a menu-driven program. Then representation criteria are developed by an automatic rule acquisition program in the form of condition-action rules. These rules can be utilized by an adaptive graphics system that can generate, change and refine images interactively. Practical applications are suggested.An Adaptive Graphics Interface for Effective Visual Representation10.2312/eg.19861017