Maiero, JensHinkenjann, AndreAnders Hast and Ivan Viola2015-07-082015-07-082010 Mixed Reality (MR) Environments, the user s view is augmented with virtual, artificial objects. To visualize virtual objects, the position and orientation of the user s view or the camera is needed. Tracking of the user s viewpoint is an essential area in MR applications, especially for interaction and navigation. In present systems, the initialization is often complex. For this reason, we introduce a new method for fast initialization of markerless object tracking. This method is based on Speed Up Robust Features and paradoxically on a traditional markerbased library. Most markerless tracking algorithms can be divided into two parts: an offline and an online stage. The focus of this paper is optimization of the offline stage, which is often time-consuming.A Method for Fast Initialization of Markerless Object Tracking10.2312/egp.20101019